Sunday, May 30, 2010


"A woman was recalling how her son, had nearly bled to death after his ritual circumcision. She was so traumatized that she never had a second child. she couldn't face the dilemma, of whether to do the deed or not. Yes, despite the fact that her son had almost died, it remained a dilemma for her. She could neither circumcise another son nor face having an uncircumcised son. So, she had no more children. " Dr. Goodman

I'm glad i had the power to say never again. Yes, i didn't have religion to worry about, but i had family, friends and society to tell me i was wrong. I had to deal with explaining to EVERYONE why i was doing this(or i guess not doing this). Why I was going against the "norm" . I had to deal with people telling me i was wrong, but i stood my ground. For my sons... i would stand up to GOD himself if he came down on this earth to question me(not a very popular response i get when i say that though...LOL) . Hunter I'm sorry, i didn't know sooner. I'm sorry i was blinded by what society told me was right. Landon, I'm so glad you were spared. I'm glad the decision will one day be your choice, not mine or your fathers.

And to are such a awesome father and husband. You took the time to listen to me, to understand that medically it was not needed. You got over the fact that your second son would not look like you. You were selfless, when many men would not have been. I love you and I love your willnessing to hold my hand and our sons hands and say "not MY family, not ever again" .

I know when i put this stuff on my FB or my blog, i'm not the most popular person. But I told myself when Hunter was a baby, that his reattachement complication from circumcision would not be in vain. I would let people know that even if you don't agree with me, i will talk and will spread the word. I can not make someone else listen, but i can make myself speak and speak LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

You are entilted to not agree with me, but please don't tell me what to post and not post...circumcision

I don't think you are a bad parent because you circumcised your son. And of course I know you went into thinking this was the best decision for your child and your family situation. But I will continue to post how I feel about circumcision. I feel it is an unnecessary procedure with little to no benefit. In fact all health organizations agree with me, because no health organization recommends routine infant circumcision. I know some doctors do recommend it and i don't know why. Maybe because they themselves are not perfect and believe the myths that many believe. Doctors ARE NOT perfect. Doctors have made many mistakes over the years. Back in the 50's some doctors would actually recommend one brand of cigarette over another. A surgery my mom had some years ago for her reflux is now not the recommended course. So, maybe, just maybe we as a society can realize the mistake we made starting this surgery(which was started to curb masturbation actually). Some will say there are reducing infections. Yes, the foreskin could possibly get infected, but so can any other part of our bodies. IF you cut off my pinky finger then of course my chance of my pinky being infected is eliminated. Lets not forget it reduces the chance of penile cancer(but this cancer is so rare, men are more likely to get breast cancer). Now, I'm not minimizing this for men who've had penile cancer, because I'm sure to them it does not matter that the cancer is rare. My point is that we DO NOT remove any other part of a baby's body because he might get cancer as an adult . Again, any part of the body can get cancer. I just don't' get why we apply this theory ONLY to the foreskin. IT is mind boggling really. Then there is the reduces HIV/STD argument. Anytime an article comes out supporting this theory another article comes out disproving it, and the back and forth of this continues. So, please take this with a grain of salt. Not to mention those that support this argument also say safe sex is the most important way to reduce HIV/STDs. Finally and my favorite is the fact that doing it as an infant means you won't have to do it later due to Phimosis or something of that nature. First off Phimosis is rare and can usually be treated in other ways(like steroid cream) before jumping to a surgery(although some doctors will jump to surgery before trying other methods). And if an adult male does end up NEEDING this surgery, well then it will be like any other surgery a person gets in their life...ONLY DONE WHEN MEDICALLY NEEDED!!!!!!!

Some quotes I love

"Risk assessment for an unnecessary surgery must be held to a higher standard than that for a life saving surgery. We accept that heart transplant carries with a substantial risk of death, but without it there is a certainty of death. On the other hand, the risk from circumcision, which has no therapeutic value, needs to be zero for the infants sake, all the more so because he is never consulted about weather he wishes to take his chances"- Doctors against circumcision
"American graveyards have hundreds of thousands of dead, HIV positive, circumcised males. The CDC reports that 80% of ADULT American males are circumcised. When HIV was first discovered the rate was over 90%. The United States has the dubious honor of having a extremely high circumcision rate and the highest per ca pita HIV rate in the developed world.

HIV is a disease of behavior. If you want to avoid HIV, you need to practice safe sex and avoid needle drug use or at the very least sharing needles. This means periodic testing and 100% condom use unless one is in a faithful magnanimous relationship were both partners are disease free. Proper behavior is the only things that will protect both men and women, gay and straight, from HIV"-anonymous

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Car seat safety

Did you know the AAP now recommends keeping your child rearfacing until at least 2 years of age? Not 1, but 2. There are many rearfacing seats that can keep a child rearfacing until 40 lbs. Going past 2 years is nice if you child is still within the limits of their carseats rearfacing requirments. Many studies show it is just safer and seeing as it is someting so easy to do for your child, i ask why not? Once they are turned forwardfacing, keeping them harnessed as longg as possible is best as well. There are seats that harness up to 65-85 lbs. yes, some are expensive, but the Graco Natilus is about $150. I personally think it is worth the money. Then please keep your child in a booster until they reach 4ft9inches.